So, saying ¨see ya later¨ to Mary was kinda difficult. We had such an amazing time and I was so lucky to meet her. Its not as much fun singing by yourself and people kinda look at you funny. I miss her deeply. But, its about time I have some alone time.
My bus departed Managua, Nicaragua around 5am headed for Guatemala. 30 hours total! We crossed thru Honduras and into El Salvador. We had a layover in San Salvador. Which was probably one of the most interesting nights Ive had on my trip so far. We arrived at the Tica Bus terminal around 5 in the evening, which was attached to one of the seediest hotels ive ever seen. Hotel San Carlos. My bus left at 5am the next morning so it made the most sense to stay there. One of the Tica Bus employees, the ¨bus attendant¨ if you will, had a bit of a crush on me. His name was Rolando. He was always making sure i had everything i needed. This always included a wink. When we arrived at the bus terminal he let me know that he was going to secure a room for me since the place fills up quick when the bus arrives. Turns out he got me the room right next to his. I knew i was in trouble.
So, to get to my room you had to walk three flights of stairs up thru the main hotel and had to climb a ladder to the roof which at that point you had to crawl up another ladder to another rooftop, which is where two rooms sat side by side. Mine and His. Mine was the size of my pinky and it had no bathroom. Of course the bathroom was located in his room! Which he made it very clear that i was to share it with him. I declined and told him I would be happy to use the communal bathroom three floors down! He said absolutely not! He then invited me into his room for a beer and to watch a Ricky Martin Video! Ahhh! God help me! I stood my ground and fortunately never had the pleasure of watching Ricky Martins new video. However, this guy did not give up!
I went to bed pretty early that night and around 3 in the morning i had a sudden urge to use the rest room. I quietly exited my room and somehow made it down the ladders and to the bathroom in the main lobby. When i returned to my room my door was slammed shut by a gust of wind and of course woke up Rolando. Next thing I know he was knocking on my door! Eeeek! What do I do!? Of course i poked my head out and there he was in all his glory!! Butt naked!! Asking me ¡¿Que hora es?! ¡¿Que hora es?! Apparently he was late. His bus was departing back to Nicaragua at 3. Thank god because i thought i was going to have to spend the entire next day with him. Oh poor Rolando. I wonder how many times he has done this. yuck.
Anyways, pictured is the cinder block i spent the night in.